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Prayer Ministries
- 21 Days of Prayer
Altar Project
- Day 1: Alter the Altar
- Day 2: Lord, Save Our Children
- Day 3: Trust His Promises
- Day 4: A Way of Life
- Day 5: Cries for Our Children
- Day 6: Warrior Parents
- Day 7: A Prayer for Help with Media
- Day 8: Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?
- Day 9: The Rule of Seven
- Day 10: The Prayer Hedge
- Day 11: Storm Resistant
- Day 12: What Sin?
- Day 13: Your Father Knows
- Day 14: King and Kin
- Day 15: Raising the Roof
- Day 16: False Advertising
- Day 17: Count Your Blessings
- Day 18: Wind Surfing
- Day 19: To the Moon and Beyond
- Day 20: Give Thanks
- Day 21: What's in Your Cup?
- Day 22: Got Fire?
- Day 23: Deer in Headlights
- Day 24: Party Time!
- Day 25: Let There Be Singing!
- Day 26: Child Guidance
- Day 27: The Whole Enchilada
- Day 28: Hold Me
- Day 29: Feed on His Faithfulness
- Day 30: Where is Your Treasure?
- Day 31: When God Interprets Our Prayers
- Answers to Prayer
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News and Updates
- Additional Living Building Added to Auburn Adventist Academy
- Incoming AAA Principal Passes Away
- Grays Harbor Church Hosts Stop Smoking Support Class
- New Pastoral Couple is Welcomed to the Shelton/Elma District
- Grays Harbor Hosts Olive Crest
- Pentecost 2025 Call to Prayer
- Storm Update
- Statement on Feather River Adventist School Shooting
- New AAA Principal Hired
- President's Prayer Newsletter March 2025
A Word to the WAC
- 120 Ministry Ideas
- The Best Bible Study Resources for Adults
- Our Evangelism Commitment
- Marketing Your Ministry
- How to Start a Ministry
- Persistence
- The Gospel According to Duke
- Running the Good Race
- Heroes Come in All Colors
- Auditing Your Heavenly Data
- I Had a Dream About You
- God Answers Tithing Prayer
- The Man Who Changed the World
- The Lesson is in the Leftovers
- A Dessert Theatrical Approach to Relational Evangelism
- What the Bible Has to Say About Murmuring Protests
- An Impossible Task Made Simple
- Faith in a Time of Stress
- Refocusing Prayer
- Living Architecture
- Fishing Off the Map
- Listening to Hear
- In Rythym with Christ
- My Freedom Prayer
- Believe in the Ultimate Stumbling Block
- A Highlight of Their Summer!
- God's Protected Species
- When "I Sight" Became "Jesus' Eye Sight
- Ancient Words
- Representing Jesus in Troubled Times
- Eagerly Listening
- The Best Education
- God's Miracle Grow
- A Few Minutes a Day
- Eclipsed by God's Glory
- Six Ideas for Restoring the Family Altar
- A Totally Involved Family
- 12 Realities of a Pastor
- First Responders Worship
- Fueled by the Love of Jesus
- A Blessing and a Challenge
- The Best Definition
- Tacoma Central Welcomes New Members to Church Family
- Three Reactions to the Birth of Jesus
- May We Become a "Going" and "Growing" Church for Jesus
- Citizen of Heaven
- Be a Joy Giver
- A Glorious Mess
- The Time is Now
- The Speed of a Sloth
- On Trial for God
- Observing Intently
- Disruptors
- Paul and the Snake
- The Ladder
- The Elite Seat
- Fruitless
- Let Go of My Son
- When God Whispers
- The Perfect Seat
- Go to the Light
- Frozen in Fear
- Windows
- Dealing with Snakes in Your Life
- Vanilla
- Pathfinders Strong
- Dealing with Shock and Awe
- A New Name
- A Creative Breath
- The Power of Prayer
- A Different Way of Doing Things
- A Love Like No Other
- Is My Jesus Sweeter than My Oranges?
- Ready or Not
- Speak, Lord, for Your Servant Hears
- Gibbs, Goose, Kaylee, and God
- Adding a Human Touch
- The Gifts of Oshkosh
- Recombobulation
- A Lovely Future
- Rooted in Faith
- Food of Kings
- Working Together
- Surrounded
- Worshiping the Miracle?
- Fistful of Nails
- Farewell Symphony
- Waffles, Conversations, and Connections
- Listen for the Marching Mulberries
- Unknown Soldiers of God's Kingdom
- All the Giants
- A Perfect Seal
- The Bible Story You Likely Haven't Heard
- The Art of Regifting and Returning
- How God Remembers You
- The Most Expensive Gift
- Four Lessons for Christians from the Gym
- Assault of the Senses
- Reflections on Psalm 125 at Mowich Lake
- A Heavenly Reminder to Lose the Weight of the World
- Your Part of the Tree of Life
- Confident, Happy, and Unafraid
- Consider the Ant
- Generosity: The Speeding Ticket You Want
- In God's Mighty Hands
- A Lingering Presence
- A Gift of Life, a Gift of Light
- The Clouds in Our Lives
- A Time to Seek Meaningful Connections
- God Loves You with a Love Stronger than Death
- Help for Parents with Teens: Growing With Book Review
- Spark a Conversation on Intergenerational Ministry
- Listen for God's Thoughts Made Audible
- Bapti-Zoom by the Holy Spirit
- A Minor Prophet with a Major Voice, Yesterday and Today
- An Abundance of Opportunities to Grow
- Be Present for the Harvest Time
- How Love Does Battle
- Called Out to Call Out
- Heaven Begins on Earth
- A Recipe for Success with Seeds
- Praying for the Family in the Year of Disaster
- Kevin the Neighborhood Cat
- The Case of the Not-so-Cute Garden Bunnies
- Called to Love and Connect
- Losing Your Mind?
- The Gift of the Seed
- The Pink Eraser, Back to School and Sharing Faith
- Anywhere with Jesus
- A Job Better than Mowing the Lawn
- Sitting for a Portrait
- 10 Ways to Practice Praise
- A Special Melody in Our Hearts
- A Story of Floating Faith
- Jesus Wants You!
- God's More than Double Promises
- Who's Your Theophilus?
- Is a Rooster Crowing in Your Life?
- Taking Time to Think
- Thankful for Rights
- Two Lessons from a Goldfish Plant
- Where is the Monkey?
- Bursting with Great News
- Why You Should Hug a Cow
- Christmas Treasures
- Counting Our Blessings
- Walking into 2021
- Do You Have a Rich Uncle?
- Revival and Resilience
- God Loves to Give Gifts
- God's Casting Call
- What's Your Nickname?
- The Good Life, the Zoom Life
- Rice or Radios, Worship or Witness
- The Origin of Fake News
- Chalk Walk and Talk
- Our Very Big God
- Priorities for Moving Day
- God's Infinite Interest
- Good Things that Distract
- Let's Talk Politics
- The Homeowners Meeting
- This is what Love Looks Like
- Thrust into a New Reality
- Fair-Weather Walkers?
- Two Powerful Words
- He Had a Stool
- Away in a Manger
- Stay Off the Stilts
- Wise Men from the East
- In All Things, In All Times
- The Job of Waking Up
- The Lost and Found Child
- An Intervention
- The Epidemic Made Worse by the Pandemic
- Keep Pressing the Upward Way
- A Call to Notice the Living
- The Jesus Index
- The Whistling God
- Prayers for Peace
- Playing Favorites
- The Highways of Life
- Keep Faithfully Planting
- Three Pennies and a Dream
- Pointing the Bat
- Everyone Gets a Trophy
- Praying in a Holy Place
- Weighty Matters
- Just One
- A Million Miles
- Fire Proof
- What do You Call God?
- Living in Life's Rain
- 6 Keys for Engaging Your Community
- Whose Voice do You Want to Hear?
- New and Renewed
- Emotions
- Once a Stranger, Now a Friend
- Memories
- The Focused Life
- Watch Them Grow!
- Weeds and Waves of Wheat
- Thankful for Crumbs
- Resilient as a Cucumber
- Sweeter Than Ice Cream
- Who is in Your Vineyard?
- Present and Accounted For
- Listening Well
- Basking in the Light
- Searching for Life and Hope
- Word of the Year
- Saying Yes
- How Has Jesus Changed You?
- Let's Advance, God First
- Shadows
- Breathing in Prayer
- Love Well
- What Law?
- Lemons or Lemonade?
- Stand Up
- What's on Your List?
- Our Daily Decisions
- Our Sticky Prayers
- Late to the Wedding
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Rice
- Waiting for Night to Come
- Filtering Emotions Through God's Word
- Carving a Path from Tragedy to Triumph
- What's Your Comfort Zone?
- The Right Equation for Life
- Where are You Walking?
- What's on Your Playlist?
- Running Uphill, Singing Aloud
- How do You Say Hello?
- Cone of Protection
- The Hagrites
- Gorilla in the Picture
- The Happy Pill
- What Effect Will You Have?
- Phubbing is Dangerous!
- Angels in the Infield
- Down a Dead End
- Three Percent
- Mind Games
- God's Collection
- Hunger Map
- Rain has Returned
- Open the Gate
- Made for You
- Between Your Ears
- Never Spoil
- Labels
- Training Wheels
- Around the Table
- My Two Front Teeth
- Flex
- Highway to Nowhere
- Aluminum Tree
- Reflections
- Start with a Bang
- I Did It Again
- Let the Letter be Written
- Our Singing Savior
- Gluing Justice and Grace
- An Old Hymn
- You Can Hurt Here
- Harvest Time
- Wind or Warmth?
- The Three Sisters: Cultivating Harmony in God’s Garden
- Famous Follies
- Picking Through the Crumbs
- Words from the Dictionary
- Are You a Cancer?
- It's Not A Fad
- A Walking Miracle
- Do You Like Your Coworkers?
- Give Ye Them to Eat
- Thanks Mom
- Thank You for the Peas
- Rules
- Rewards
- Belonging Changes Everything
- A New View
- Tears in a Bottle
- Dry Season
- Jehova Nissi: The Lord is My Banner
- The Sock Drawer
- Prayers are Deathless
- Believe the Promise
- Covenants
- Doing the Impossible
- An Open Door
- Night-lights
- No More Debates
- Prelude
- Community on Campus
- Panic
- Reservations Still Available
- Four-Letter Words
- You Can't Be Serious
- Building Bridges
- The Eternal Value of Your Life
- Sinking Cities
- Trophies on Display
- Setting on the Shelf
- A Mother's Anguish
- Enjoy God's Gifts
- The Return Season
- The Ball Has Dropped
- Thankful for Regular
- In Step with Jesus
- Transfer of Power
- To Infinity and Beyond
- Executive Orders
- More Home
- What Is Your Name?
- Not Spoiled
- Learning to Walk Again
- What Altar Do You Need To Build?
- The Needle Vs The Nail
- Gleaner
- Guided Growth Podcast
- LIFE Seminar
- Music Videos
- Washington ACTS
A Word to the WAC
- Prayer Requests
- Connect
- Calendar
- Camp Meeting 2025