By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

The barber shop I’ve been going to for many years recently went through some changes.

It used to be that old fashioned type of barber shop where you just walked in, sat, and waited till it was your turn. All those waiting for a hair cut would just sit along the wall. Everyone one knew who was next based on when you came in the door. There was friendly banter and at times. Other times we would sit there in silence, lost in our own thoughts waiting four our turn to sit in the chair.

Now things are different.

The shop owner retired and turned the shop over to his daughter and niece. They remodeled the place and updated the décor. They also encourage and almost require a reservation to get a haircut. At first, I wasn’t too sure about this new arrangement. I kind of liked the old way. Soon, however, the reservations system started to grow on me. With a reservation you knew that you would have a spot and you would come out looking a bit better after a haircut. You still could arrive early and sit and chat with all the others waiting for their appointed time. Or you could come in at the last minute and know you still had a spot.

Reservations are great.

They insure you a seat. They make sure that you have a place. They provide assurance. They get you in the door. They set you apart from those without a reservation. I Peter 1:3-4 speaks of the reservation that each of us has as Christians.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.

There is a reservation with your name on it. You have a place set aside for you through the power of Jesus and His life, death, and resurrection. That is a great part of scripture.

Reservations are still available.

There is plenty of room in heaven for everyone, and these reservations are offered for everyone. Part of Pentecost 2025 is praying for the Holy Spirit to not only fall on us as followers of Jesus, but to also pray for the Holy Spirit to impress upon others to become followers of Jesus and get the assurance of their own reservations. Another part of Pentecost 2025 is praying for the Holy Spirit to fill each of us and lead us to use our spiritual gifts in a mighty way to share Jesus to those around us however the Spirit leads.

Let us continue to pray for Pentecost and listen and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit so that all reservations can be filled.