Family Worship Time

Time to settle in, it's family worship time! We want to encourage you and your kiddos to grow spiritually together by spending time with Jesus every day together. Here are some suggestions of our favorite books to read together for morning and evening family worship time! These are classic stories that will captivate and encourage your family in a relationship with your Savior--stories that make you go..."Amen!"

Singer on the Sand
by Norma Youngberg
An incredible, true story of a missionary family in Great Sangir Island.

Clever Queen
by Eric B. Hare
A baby is sold for two bags of rice. She is taken to the God worshipers for help.

Fire on the Mountain
by Norma Youngberg
A story of a God that no place is too far, nor soul too lost for Him to save.

Miracle of the Song
by Norma Youngberg
Teejah must choose between faith or the ways of the witch doctor.

Nyla and the White Crocodile
by Norma Youngberg
The witch doctor says Nyla must be sacrificed. Is God stronger than the curse?

Jungle Thorn
by Norma Youngberg
A young girl's eye is injured, which leads her on a journey to Jesus.

The Adventures of Kado
by Alice Mertie Underhill
Kado learns about a new way of life; free from fear, filth and lawlessness.

Up from the Sidewalk*
by Elsie Lewis Rawson
A boy born in the streets of India learns about a loving God that transforms his life.

Story of an Indian Coin*
by Elsie Lewis Rawson
See India's cast system from a coin's perspective. Who will tell them about Jesus' love?

No Devil Strings
by Eric Were
The story of Kata Rangoso and his unwavering faith during the turbulent times of World War II in the Solomon Islands.

Treasure from the Haunted Pagoda
by Eric B. Hare
A "special place" is prepared for the gospel to go to a devil-worshipping land.
*You might find this book in your church library or a better deal with an online used book seller

Paula the Waldensian
by Eva Lacomte
An orphan from the Waldensian valley influences her relative's lives for the gospel.

Ink of His Fingers
by Louise A. Vernon
An intriguing story about the printing of the first Bible with type and the difficulties that Johann Gutenberg encountered.

The Bible Smuggler
by Louise A. Vernon
A story about William Tyndale's translation of the Bible into English, its printing and smuggling into England.

The King's Book
by Louise A. Vernon
Explores the mystery behind the printing of the KJV Bible in 1611. Who was the secret editor who made the Bible sing?

The Secret Church
by Louise A. Vernon
The story of kids inspired by Anabaptist teachings, moving them to make life changing decisions.

Night Preacher
by Louise A. Vernon
The story of Menno Simmons and his children and the persecution they endured for their faith.

Doctor in Rags
by Louise A. Vernon
Set in 16th century Moravia amid persecution of the Hutterites, a 12-year-old boy chooses his vocation.

Thunderstorm in the Church
by Louise A. Vernon
Martin Luther the great reformer as teacher, father and friend.

A Thousand Shall Fall
by Susi Hasel Mundy
The electrifying story of an Adventist family who dared to practice their faith in Hitler's Germany and saw God work miracle after miracle to save them.

Chains in China
by Bradley Booth
Pastor Chen, imprisoned and thrown into “the cage” for refusing to work on Sabbath looked for every opportunity to tell about the loving God he served in spite of filth and starvation.

Showers of Grasshoppers
by Bradley Booth
A chronicle of faithfulness in the little things that prepared for the hardest times, and the miracles God worked to save their lives.

Dare to Stand Alone
by Brandley Booth
Ivan determined to follow God's calling to be a missionary in the Soviet army. Facing trials that tested his faith, Ivan accomplished incredible things for God.

What idea has God put in your heart and mind to serve the children and families in your sphere of influence? I want to know, because I want to help you make it happen! Do you have to be the children's ministry leader or VBS leader? No, just someone who loves Jesus and wants to see the gospel spread to all the world! Reach out to me below and let's go for it, friend!